How to Configure Google Ads

How to Configure Google Ads

We have seen in the last part how there are different types of digital marketing solutions available n the market which can be used .Now lets see how a MSME entrepreneur like Sharath can benefit from it

He can create a Google Ads or Facebook ad account ,Normally he  can associate existing Google account or Facebook account to the Ad accounts itself .Lets start with Google and for that he needs to go to and sign in

Then he needs to start to identify different things like  who are his potential audience for which Google will ask an important question as shown below

So by answering this question he can define the purpose of his campaign

There are different options that Google gives as listed below ,He can choose what is appropriate for his business

Then he will get the below screen from where he can chose his budget .This is one of the most important features in Google ads ,that user can pre-define how much budget he wants to allocate to the campaign and based on that start his campaign

Then  there are different types of Ad  like Text Ad or Image Ad or video Ad .If he chooses Text Ad then listed below are his options

There  have 300 potentially visible characters (3 headlines, 2 descriptions, and URL path) to encourage a user click on your ad.

Character Limits

Headline 1: 30

Headline 2: 30

Headline 3: 30

Description 1: 90

Description 2: 90

Path 1: 15

Path 2: 15

Then You have 300 potentially visible characters (3 headlines, 2 descriptions, and URL path) to encourage a user click on your ad.

Character Limits

Headline 1: 30

Headline 2: 30

Headline 3: 30

Description 1: 90

Description 2: 90

Path 1: 15

Path 2: 15

Then there are Ad extensions which is nice feature to have as it enhances the Ad  .Some of the examples are

Sitelink – Link customers directly to areas of your website

Callout – Text based links to highlight benefits

Location – Encourages people to visit a brick and mortar business

Call – Allows people to call directly from your ad

Price – Shows the price of products or services

Promotion Extensions – Highlight promotions on your site.

So all  or some of these extensions can be made use of to improve the quality of the Ad and to make sure that main purpose of the Ad i.e.  the customer notices the ad and whatever call to action is undertaken by the customer .

Next part if very important when the Advertiser picks the Keywords .This is very important because when potential customers search for some thing  then relevant Ads need to shown . The goal when picking keywords is to choose terms that you think people will search for when they’re looking online for what you offer. In addition, you want your keywords to be as relevant as possible to the ad they trigger and to the landing page people will arrive at if they click that ad.

To help you get started, Google Ads comes with a free tool called the Keyword Planner, which can generate a sample list of keywords for your campaigns. The Keyword Planner can also help you estimate how much to bid on a particular keyword so your ad shows up in search results — this can give you an idea about whether certain keywords are too expensive for you to bid on, and which will fit within your budget. This is the flexibility that is unique to digital marketing ,can pick and choose the budget

Next thing would be Keyword match type  ,it could be any one  of the below

Broad Match

Phrase Match

Exact  Match

Each of these have specific uses and we shall go through them

Broad match: The “broad match” setting shows your ad for searches that contain your keywords in any order, and for related terms

Phrase Match: This option shows your ad for searches that contain your exact keyword, or for searches that contain your exact keyword plus words before or after it

Exact Match: When you choose exact match, your ad will only show if someone searches for the exact word or phrase you choose

There are also other type of matches like Negative match through which  match option allows you to exclude undesirable words or phrases from triggering your ad, weeding out irrelevant traffic.

Then the next step would be to setup a landing page i.e. when the customer or audience would land once they click on the ad .This needs to be configured

Once all this is done  ad can go live . In next part we shall see one of the biggest advantages of Digital marketing where target audience is defined .This is one of the biggest advantages of digital marketing due to which Ads will reach only specific target audience and not all audience