Microservices Architecture

Microservices Architecture

In the last blog we saw the pain points that an entrepreneur has to endure .There is help at hand in the form of DEEP by Sixth circle technologies .DEEP is Digital Enterprises Engagement Platform  for MSME .Lets see the salient features of DEEP and how it can be beneficial for people like Sharath

DEEP is built on the Microservices architecture  which means that itis an architectural development style that allows building applications as a collection of small autonomous services developed for a business domain. It is a variant of structural style architecture that helps arrange applications as a loosely coupled service collection. The Microservice Architecture contains fine-grained services and lightweight protocols.

The Characterisctics of Microservices Architecture

  • Organized around business capabilities
  • Smart end points
  • Independent Governance
  • Independent Technical stack
  • Independent Deployment
  • Improved Fault isolation
  • Consistency of data
  • Customer first

Below is an image that illustrates how Microservices functions

We can see from above diagram how through different browsers an online shopping service can be accessed .Then website has different sections like Accounts ,products Carts and orders .What we can observe here is that each of the sub sections is developed independently  .This is the single biggest advantage of Microservice architecture compared to Monolithic architecture .Also each section can be scaled up independently depending on the requirement .

Develop each function of the application as an autonomous, independently-running microservice. These usually run in a container on a cloud server. Each microservice answers to a single function – like search, shipping, payment, accounting, payroll, etc as shown above

Given below is an illustration of how UBER used microservices very  effectively

We can clearly observe that different modules is working independently and yet interconnected .Any of the Modules can be changed or modified without changing and disturbing the entire system

Now  how will this Microservices architecture help an entrepreneur like Sharath Stay tuned to find out