Figma is becoming the tool of choice for UI designers
We saw how important UI/UX designing is for any product or service in the previous section .Now lets look at a tool in UI/UX designing which is making waves in the market .This tool is Figma and lets look at why Figma is becoming the go to tool for UI/UX designers .
Figma is web designing tool based on cloud, so now teams can work together and collaborate while working on a design in real time. This feature is certainly useful for designers .
Figma is robust tool for WordPress sites through which designers can make beautiful and appealing websites through WordPress. Also Figma can covert the design into code ,this is of huge advantage to developers to inspect the code and export the CSS files and design directly from Figma design files
Since its web based tool Figma is very easy to share data and design among the users
Figma helps in preparing the web prototypes most conveniently. This software is built with all the tools that are required for making the prototype design, and a user can access them readily so no need to buy multiple tools .
Figma has numerous plugins like Unsplash, Iconify, Content Reel, Component Replacer, Blobs Maker, Remove BG. All these plugins make sure that very aesthetic designs are created.
Another feature of Figma is that the all elements can be spaced as per the requirements in the website ,due to this gaps can be measured and elements placed accordingly .
Figma is very good tool for design review and for giving feedback .Figma has good options for user to review the design and provide the feedback .
The design components can be inspected in Figma in very institutive way Figma displays code snippets on any selected frame or object in CSS, iOS, or Android formats for developers to use when reviewing a design file.
Thus we can see there are many reasons why Figma is now preferred tool for UI designers.